Jensens r the sweetest most cuddly boys with the biggest hearts. Jensens r music loving strong willed mammas boys, that value the close bonds they make.
I fell bad for anyone who doesn’t have a Jensen in their circle
by Cantheman April 1, 2020
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A Jensen is a girl who is beautiful. wonderful, amazing, and sweet. She is one of the best people you'll ever meet because she cares and is such a good friend, to everyone! She hates scary movies, but loves using her pedophile face. A Jensen is someone you need to be friends with.
Person 1- "Who is that girl using that creepy pedophile face?"
Person 2- "Thats a Jensen!"

Person 1- "Jensen is so sweet!"
Person 2- "I know, I'm glad I'm her friend!"
by Jensenstwinzy<33 January 2, 2012
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A Jensen is a very handsome guy with blonde hair and green eyes which also is a good human being and has an awesome personality that you love to talk to.and Jensen is like a mix between handsome and gentlemen .and Smart sense of humor
S:hey , I heard you had a date last night .So , how was he ?
You:OMG,he's a total Jensen ,I mean ,he opened the door for me ,made me laugh .And the guy is smart ,and those lips... I need to see him again .
by shjgsdcguigwerCDDFCHBHYccccccc October 16, 2016
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a tiny, adorable female. can be found with booty shorts singing a danity kane, dawn, or day 26 song. has an extremely loud laugh. she helps out others in need always. has some type of OCD when it comes to cleaning. amazing person
That girl is so Jensen.
by zebramonster April 1, 2009
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The craziest most fun and creative girl you will ever Meet. She is a tomboy and loves superheroes. Don't hold her on a tight leash because she will rebel. If you meet a Jensen you better feel as lucky as you will be.
Am I seeing thing or is that really a Jensen, wow I'm Lucky.
by blood is my friend March 4, 2016
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