36 definitions by twistedbabydoll

Is in trouble.

Save Hip-hop. Not Hip-Pop.
Hip-hop is NOT dead. It is Hip-Pop (i.e. P-fucking-Diddy) that is ruining hip-hop. Maybe NaS was exposed to the mainstream rap industry too long and felt that he needed to make an album titled "Hip-Hop is Dead". The best is underground and concious(i.e. Boot Camp Clik, 9th Wonder, RZA, Hieroglyphics, The Roots). Not D4L, Mike Jones, Lil' Wayne (some one kill him) or any of these embarrassments!
by twistedbabydoll August 18, 2007
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1. A child's plaything usually made of plastic, polyurethane, cotton, or synthetic fibers, that resembles or represents a human. Dolls can also be considered collectibles by adults.

2. A term of endearment used for a nice or attractive person.
1. Misty took her doll and set it on fire because she didn't like it any more.

2. Spongebob: Aw, look at him. Ain't he a doll? All he need is a tie. (draws a tie on Spongedoodle) Ready for ACTION! ~ From SpongeBob Squarepants Episode "Frakendoodle".
by twistedbabydoll August 29, 2007
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The opposite of women.
Just a plain and simple definition of men because there is a war between the sex on UD and that's a damn shame. Honestly my opinion of men is that I have had too many bad experiences with them but there are good men in my family, including my father, brother and uncles and my grandfathers (whom passed away years ago).

Too all the men on here who have something negative to say about women are one of the following:
1. Misogynist
2. Have no positive or decent female role models in your life
3. Are an asshole who's been dumped and rejected by every woman you've been with and rather take it out on women, beside examining yourself
4. Insecure with your masculinity to the point where you think belittling and downing women will make you more of a man
5. An immature jerk who needs to grow up
6. A jerk who's mother abandoned him, so he is mad at every woman in the world

To all the women on here who have something negative to say about men are:

1. Nazi-Lesbian
2. Had too many bad experiences with men and feel she should take it out on all men
3. No good male role models
4. Angry because her poppa is a rolling stone
5. Just been dumped by her boyfriend when he was an asshole in the first place
6. A woman who simply gives true, mature feminists a bad name (all feminists--damn near every feminist do not hate men)

And I, myself, am feminist; Not the "hate-every-man and become a lesbian" feminist, but the "all men and women should be treated equal and have equal rights and be on an equal level" feminist. But I think this war between the sexes is ridiculous.
by twistedbabydoll August 18, 2007
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Officially coined by TwistedBabydoll: Inspired by the BET (Black Entertainment Television) because of the notorious portrayal of negative Black stereotypes, excessive materialism and hypocrisy. It is also inspired by the fact that these type of people are spoon fed Black culture by watching BET, 24/7. These type of females are second-generation African Americans or children of second-generation African-Americans.

B.E.T. Princesses are female versions of a B.E.T. Prince. They can be best compared to the hip-hop video vixen or Black American Princess.

A good physical description of a B.E.T. Princess; wearing gold in obscures amounts (whether it's jewelry, fabric appliqués, accessories, or accents, or the color itself), long weave that is replaced every two weeks due to the fact that they have to look their best, excessive amounts of M.A.C. lip gloss or any other make-up that does not match their skin color, will usually shop at Korean-owned clothing boutiques that sell overly priced, tacky, colorful clubwear; name brands of choice: Baby Phat, Rocawear (for women), Akademiks, Gucci, Louis Vuitton; stilleto heels, tight jeans cut so long they show plumber's crackor cropped tops by Lady Enyce that shows off a belly ring.

B.E.T. princesses are usually seen driving their burnt out Chevy Malibu (yet, still maintaining a divalicious image while driving it, so they can appear to have money) or a Benz that their parents bought them. There is not much pressure of their transportation for the simple reason more pressure is put on men and their cars.

B.E.T. Princess idolize video vixens, Beyonce, Trina, and any female veejay on 106 & Park.

They are usually materialistic, vain, and maintain a conceited image in hopes of looking or feeling better than other females. They can be educated or uneducated. B.E.T. Princesses are not just a shame to Black women but women in general due to their dumb broad mentality, submissiveness, dependency on a man who can financially support them or look good on their arm and lack of interest in their African-American heritage when yet they justify this theory by saying "I watch B.E.T!".
I stuffed a B.E.T. princess in the garbage can the other day. She was driving me crazy talking about the entire week of 106 & Park episodes she watched.
by twistedbabydoll August 23, 2007
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A men's magazine targeted at Black men ages 18-35. What the magazine features is beyond me but I know this for a fact: There are more half-naked women in that magazine than in the Holocaust.

Go to any apartment or house inhabited by Black men who thrive off of mainstream rap culture, are wannabe thugs or real scary thugs, misogynist, wannabe rappers or sex addicts...and I bet you, there would be a table piled up with King magazines.
Jermaine: Ay, nigga. I'm finna get that new King magazine featuring Karrine Stephans on the cova'!
Dionte: Word, nigga?
Jermaine: Fuck chea' nigga.

Two hours later...

Jermaine: Ay let's go fuck them light-skinned bitches I met at the Grown&Sexy parties last Saturday. That issue of King made my dick hard, dawg.
by twistedbabydoll August 18, 2007
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Popular among young clubbers. Usually after a club party ends young people, esp. males, will stand in the parking lot with their boys or next to their Mercedes Benz that they rented from Rent-A-Car and need to return by noon of the next day, in order to look for females to exchange numbers with or take home for sexual purposes. For females, parking lot pimping involves them using their looks to attract men, lowering their blouses so more cleavage can show and hiking up their skirts, or going to the guys with the best looking car just so she can sit in the passenger seat and look at all the interior features of his car (the features may be a built-in TV and some other crap with monetary value that exceeds the car note) so she can determine whether to take him home for a one-nights stand or give him oral sex.

In other words: losers.

See rap video.
Tyjuan and his boys got bored with the party and decided to go parking lot pimping. They found a group of girls dressed in Forever 21 halter tops and stilleto heels, with excessive amounts of weave in their head and pounds of MAC makeup on their faces. When Tyjuan showed them his (father's) Mercedes Benz, they got wet between their legs. Later into the night, the girls went home with Tyjuan and his boys -- and the night ended in a wild orgy!

Six months later.

Tyjuan tested positive for HIV.
by twistedbabydoll August 18, 2007
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1. A TV show used as a mechanism to keep poor people oppressed.
2. A show that vicarious losers watch then sit around and "ooh" and "ahh" at all of the celebrities assets.
3. Materialism televised.
Jane: We gotta get home so we won't miss "VH1's Fabulous Life Of..."!
Me: We? Count me out.
Jane: But tonight it's gonna be about Beyonce! If we miss it, I won't know how much Beyonce's worth!
Me: Fuck Beyonce! Why do you thrive off that shit? She's worth alot! Bottom line, her money isn't yours so why are you worried?
Jane: Ewww...you're such a hater!
by twistedbabydoll August 12, 2007
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