112 definitions by sarasplayroom.com

When you send an email before you're ready to send.

You might hit send accidentally or your cat walks on the keyboard and sends it for you or the next thing you know, the email has been sent even though you haven't even touched the keyboard.

The prematurely send-jaculated mail definitely isn't ready to be sent as it might be halfway written, have a lot of typos, or be too rant-y or stupid to be sent, hence causing embarrassment when the email reaches the recipient.
Co-worker to another: I just hit the wrong key and sent half an email to the boss that I shouldn't have!

Another: Premature send-jaculation is dangerous, hope you don't lose your job dude
by sarasplayroom.com July 14, 2009
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Upscale mobile homes, usually esconced in coastal or other upscale area trailer parks, i.e. NOT in trailer trash locations.
Paradise Cove in Malibu is loaded with million dollar plus Land Yachts.
by sarasplayroom.com August 12, 2009
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One dude to his roommate: Damn why do you always take the longest showers dude?

Roommate: Spackling the tile!

Dude: That is like jacking our electric bill for all the wasted hot water.

Roommate: The electric bill is jacked from watching porn too.
by sarasplayroom.com September 2, 2010
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The couch crasher develops a sofa circuit of sympathetic or co-dependent friends' places with sofas to crash on. Only losers do the sofa circuit, because they are perpetually broke and too lazy to get a regular job and live a responsible life.
Tim has been on the sofa circuit for a year, crashing at different friends' places till they get sick of him and kick him out, then he moves on to the next friend's sofa.
by sarasplayroom.com February 22, 2009
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Whereby people bring large ziploc bags to Buffets (examples: weddings, corporate events, complimentary hotel brunches, casinos) or Buffet Restaurants for the sole purpose of stuffing excess food into the bags and 'stealing' it. This is usually accomplished by overloading one's plate at the Buffet and then surreptitiously tipping the contents of the plate into the ziploc bag. The ziploc bags are usually concealed in: ladies' handbags, men's briefbags, empty laptop cases, overcoats, children's strollers etc.
So what are we going to hit off the buffet tonite?

I spy U-Peel Shrimp. Cream Cheese Bagels with Lox. Vienna Sausages. Mini Quiches. Brownie Bites.

Did you remember to bring the Steal-a-Meal Bags?

Never leave home without 'em!
by sarasplayroom.com December 1, 2009
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When a guy assumes that he can 'get' a particular real life girl either to date or have sex with because he feels what he has going for him: looks, personality, status, money, job, degree, etc., are enough to impress the girl into doing so. But the problem is that girls want to 'date up', not 'date same' and definitely not 'date down', so girls that most guys think are realistically attainable to them, are not.
Girl #1: JP wants me, he keeps texting me to hang out.

Girl #2: That would be dating down girl, don't do it.

Girl #3: I think he's suffering from AGS

Girl #1 and #2: AGS?

Girl #3: Attainable Girl Syndrome!

Girl #1: Well as long as that mean he's delusional.

Girl #2: Most guys are!
by sarasplayroom.com December 3, 2009
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Acronym for Jerk Off Instructions. A POV porn niche where the porn girls give explicit and detailed instructions on how to jerk off.
Greg found out that he couldn't stroke to a fulfilling orgasm unless he was watching hot girls in JOI porn.
by sarasplayroom.com August 31, 2010
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