21 definitions by no_one_2000

It's original definition was "Laughing out loud" (also written occasionally as "Lots of Laughs"), used as a brief acronym to denote great amusement in chat conversations.

Now, it is overused to the point where nobody laughs out loud when they say it. In fact, they probably don't even give a shit about what you just wrote. More accurately, the acronym "lol" should be redefined as "Lack of laughter."

Depending on the chatter, its definition may vary. The list of its meanings includes, but is not limited to:
1) "I have nothing worthwhile to contribute to this conversation."
2) "I'm too lazy to read what you just wrote so I'm typing something useless in hopes that you'll think I'm still paying attention."
3) "Your statement lacks even the vaguest trace of humor but I'll pretend I'm amused."
4) "This is a pointless acronym I'm sticking in my sentence just because it's become so engraved into my mind that when chatting, I MUST use the meaningless sentence-filler 'lol.'"

See: lmao, lmfao, rofl, lawl, heh, haha, lolol, and 120 for similarities.
Statement: Sorry if I'm not too cheery, my best friend just died yesterday.
Worthless Reply: lol

Statement: The golden ratio is truely an intersting aspect of not only mathematics, but art as well.
Worthless Reply: lol

Statement: ... And then he says, "Your mom goes to college!"
Worthless Reply: lol

Statement: Hey, are you doing anything tonight? You could come over to my house and play some Unreal Tournie...
Worthless Reply: lol, ok
by no_one_2000 August 11, 2005
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120 is an elite, nerdy way of saying "LOL!" See 5.

LOL means "Laughing out loud" and is a common acronym used in chatting everywhere.

LOL (or lol), written in 1337 is 101.
101 in binary is equal to 5 in decimal.
The factorial of five (5!) is 120.

So, the factorial of LOL (5) is 120. LOL! = 120
You have a 56k dial-up modem? Hahaha! 120
by no_one_2000 August 9, 2004
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1) An insult used when no other can be thought of or when all others have been used up.

2) One who is extremely clueless or unskilled, especially in the fields of mathematics and computers; the opposite of a geek or nerd
Joe is a buttchink for defining my word before I did.

"I got a t-shirt with pi on the front from ThinkGeek!"
"wat is pi"
"What!? You stupid buttchink!!!"
by no_one_2000 December 26, 2005
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It's ª smªll 'a' rªsied in the ªir. Nobody reªlly knows whªt it's for but it mªkes you feel speciªl to use it, just becuªse n00bs will wonder how you typed it.
<no_one_2000> Dude, what is this ª character? It's in the ASCII chart but nobody ever uses it.
<fyrehart> No clue.
by no_one_2000 July 14, 2005
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See 5 and 120 for an explanation.

calkfreak83: Just to make things weirder, we should start saying "120d".

120d = "LOL!", just use 120d in replacement of it.
Nothing is compatible with a Mac! Not even viruses! 120d
by no_one_2000 August 11, 2004
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Combinations of curse words are typically used for insults when angrier than usual. This one, for unknown reasons, sounds better than most others and continues to be used by many in random explosions of anger.
<fyrehart> I am a shitfaced cocksucker!
<no_one_2000> Yeah, you are.
by no_one_2000 May 29, 2005
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"All the time" or "constantly."

It's derived from the term 24/7. 24/7 is actually a fraction, so we can calculate it in its repeating decimal form. 24/7=3.428571...

"3.4" is just used because it's much easier to type and say than the previously mentioned decimal equivalent.
Joe: OH NOES I GOTS TEH SHITZ!!!!111 I think im SICK AGAIN! =-o :-\
Phil: You're sick 3.4, you really need to go to the doctor... or go to bed at a normal time... OR stop eating fast food every day...
by no_one_2000 February 10, 2005
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