2 definitions by mike cocsmoll

amogus(among us) is aword that ia all to popular and is often used with
crewmate,imposter,sus,sussy baka and vent(ed)

amogus is mostly pronounced; a/moo/goose
the whole joke is that if something looks or sounds like the game then it is amogus
bro;dude look at the laptop

bro2;yeah its just a laptop
bro:look at the name its amogus!
by mike cocsmoll June 24, 2021
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when boredom takes over the body people might just get the idea to type this

and you probably got here via typing this so congrats
if ur this bored then there is only one thing left to do
thats right...... watch yt for hours untill your motivation to do stuff goes down to 0
tbh(to be honest) i dont mind so why would you
this online lesson is boring af imma type q2w1e4r3t6y5
by mike cocsmoll June 24, 2021
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