17 definitions by jimmy smith

sweetest sport ever, I love it, and I will do anything to make that seen, I hate fucking skaters (all but a select few) and their way of life, if you agree with me, check out my definition of skater it's number 2... I fucken love this sport, you can do anything at all with it, take it where you want, it comes in many sorts, flat, dirt, street(the ones that I ride) and park and vert..., I would ride park, except the skaters always give me such a fucking staring, I leave after about 15 minutes... I suppose its cos they know that I have a dick and they don't, lol!!!
bmx rocks!!!! skating sucks!!!
by jimmy smith March 29, 2005
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In igloo warmed by the queefs of its occupants.
This quigloo sure is cozy and smells great.
by jimmy smith October 22, 2021
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wigga aka wegro or a white person who acts black accoring to gdaddy
yo neegah this is gdaddybigpimpin
by jimmy smith April 11, 2005
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this man (or dickhead as it would seem)is a discrace to the name jimmy smith, I am the real Jimmy smith!!! bow before my might!!!
the jimmy smith who came up with neegah is a complete wanker and an imposter, I am the real jimmy smith!!!
by jimmy smith April 29, 2005
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the shittest sport ever, is far from better than sex! BMX is tons better, and if u dissagree, I'll stab u with a spork!!!!
ME: dude, skateboarding sucks... OTHER GUY: yes, and anyone who skates is a stupid fuck!!!
by jimmy smith March 13, 2005
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1.brown hessian bags
2.the bags that holds your balls
3.the things bums use to carry their shit around.
1.move those sacks or I'll shove them up you arse!!!
2.don't you dare touch my sack!
3.move your fucking sacks you lazy bum!
by jimmy smith March 18, 2005
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2 words, "A legend!", no, really, once drummer for the who, but died in new york 3 1/2 months after a reenactment gig they did for "the kids are alright" in 1979. this man was also crazy, I mean crazy, this is the sort of guy who threw cherry bombs down upon police officers from his hotel room window, and once, in Saskatoon, Canada, got so bored he resorted to chopping ALL his hotel furniture into kindling.
by jimmy smith May 10, 2005
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