16 definitions by RobertOldhead

One of the new 6 billion Pokemon that have no powers that are original or even good. In fact, if you pay attention to Pokemon that closely, you're probably Asian and younger than 10, and/or gay.*

*reference xkcd
"Have you seen the new Ubuntu release?"
"Nah, I'm not into Pokemon."
by RobertOldhead March 19, 2008
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Look at that jar with a brain in it. It sure is thoughtful.
by RobertOldhead November 8, 2007
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1. A beard style that naturally grows on a bro
2. A beard which innately designates someone as a bro

-From chops to chin
-Strictly chin hair
"Dude, check that guy out! He's such a bro!"
"No kidding, check out his bro beard."
by RobertOldhead April 8, 2009
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An adjective to express something being not just crazy but extra crazy.
"That roller coaster was curazy!"
by RobertOldhead June 30, 2007
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a licentious man resembling an elf (derived from the words fay, meaning resembling an elf, and goat, a man lacking legal or moral restraints)
That fay-goat could stand some moral restraints!
by RobertOldhead March 21, 2007
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Internet slang for being excited about nothing! Or being excited for no reason! Typically a filler in a really terrible conversation.

Related to n.
Sarah(13:03): so.. yeah.
Ben(13:14): n!
Sarah(13:14): me2!
by RobertOldhead June 24, 2007
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when you are so fucked up on mary j that you are so fucked up on mary j that you don't know what the fuck you're doing
1. "fuuuuuck yeah, man"
2. "dude"
4. "dude"
5. "I'm so fucking blazed, man"
6. "shit dude.
by RobertOldhead April 23, 2008
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