10 definitions by RedReplicant

When one or more women derides another woman or group of women for not following a (often meaningless) social convention, generally motivated by obvious jealousy or an unwillingness to see someone of their own minority group get ahead. This is similar to the "crabs in a bucket" phenomenon where crabs will damage one another in order to be the last one killed.
Jennifer: "Did you see Kate all over that guy at the bar? What a slut! And she dresses so slutty too!"

Alex: "Geez, talk about your internecine female vindictiveness."
by RedReplicant October 26, 2010
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A guy who has very high expectations of women, but none regarding himself. Generally a slovenly person who spends a lot of time hunched over a keyboard, and is dusted liberally with Cheeto powder (thus the name). Some of it may be ground into his keyboard and/or stuck on his chin and clothes.
"My cheetogrub cousin says he wants a "beautiful girl that wears makeup, nice dresses, and straightens her hair every day" while sitting there in a pit-stained t-shirt and dirty socks"
by RedReplicant December 2, 2014
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A penis so infected with wart-causing venereal diseases that it resembles the popular candy.
"I was going to have sex with Jack, but when he pulled his pants down-- god, has he got a nerds rope!"
by RedReplicant January 18, 2010
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