8 definitions by Raine tones

The band you can always put on when your mood is off. Chino's voice is hypnotizing and orgasmic.
Digital bath and Change are two amazing songs by Deftones.
by Raine tones January 18, 2012
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Another word that basicly screams "for real", somewhat sarcasticly. Preps will tipically use the word. It is also known that the popular friend's side kick cannot use the word.
Ashley are you being furizzle right now? Did he really just look at my butt?
by Raine tones August 12, 2011
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An ugly, useless, odd-eyed, actress, who is terrible at almost everything she does publicly. Her voice and reaction in acting is that of a 5 year old's. Her scream is terrible and very threatening. She is also getting older and older and older every hour of every day. It is believed she gets plastic surgery and Botox behind the eyes of the media.
Sarah Jessica Parker looks like a horse. Her head is shaped like a foot too!
by Raine tones August 14, 2011
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A pyra is the slang word for a female "Pyro". A pyra is one who copes through life by either exploding or setting things on fire. Like any other mania's, pyromania is an illness and should not be taken lightly. Many kids/ teens think that it is “COOL" to be a "pyro." These kids are misunderstood and are merely seeking attention.
Man it feels good to be a pyro. And having my "pyra" girlfriend is almost even better!
by Raine tones August 14, 2011
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A terrible, addictive drug that kills many people every day. It takes the people you love away and can make the last impression they leave you feeling depressed and unloved. People often feel that they were not "enough" to keep the addict alive. Herion is a strong drug and it speaks for it's self. When you loose someone to herion it is likely the person was gone long before they passed. Herion will scream over even the strongest and loudest personalities.
Herion took the lives of my sister, brother, and my father.
by Raine tones August 12, 2011
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Much like the "Sham-Wow", the sham-wack catches ejaculant from a male's penis. A halarious invention from Dr. Drew Pinsky and "Psycho" Mike Catherwood from the popular radio show Love line.
Ew man! what's that nasty orange rag doing on your bed?
"Naw man, It's cool! Thats just my Sham-Wack.
by Raine tones August 26, 2011
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An un-valued Grandparent; a push over, filthy rich, easy, and laid-back Grandparent.
My G-pets are taking me shopping later!!!
by Raine tones December 16, 2011
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