7 definitions by Ozzie Oz and the Beautiful Bunch

1. Large rudimentary animal that are bred for slaughter and processed into food products
2. Short for 'cattle class' which pertains to flying economy class (or 'coach' in America) on a flight. It is called this mainly because many people are crammed into such a small space for an extended period of time and most of the time are treated like animals.
1. Farmer Joe yelled at Chunter with all of his God given ability "THE CATTLE ARE EATING NOT FOR FUCKING!".
2. A: Did you manage to get a business class ticket?
B: No space left. Have to fly cattle now *long exasperated
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1. Australian slang used to shorten the supermarket chain name "Woolworths".
1. A: Where you off to?
B: Going to woolies for some Kettle chips. Want anything?
A: Grab us some Winnie Blues while you're there. Spot me this time and i'll give it to ya later.
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1. Where one person physically staggers around in an unco-ordinated way whilst vomiting (due to ingestion of copius amounts of alcohol) - named for it's astounding visual likeness to alleged video footage of the sasquatch known in Northern America as "Bigfoot" who roams around in the same unco-ordinated manner

2. A large man-ape that roams around the Pacific Northwest of the United States of America. Believed to be an earlier stage of mankind.

3. Name given to people with larger-than-average feet (depending on their height)
1. A: "Dude, i got soo hammered at the club, as soon as i got out, I went Bigfoot on the sidewalk"

2. Woman in newsroom: "OH GOD! SMELLS LIKE BIGFOOT'S DICK!"

3. I have size 15 shoes even though i'm only 6'2". My mates call me Bigfoot. . . . . then i get out my gun.
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1. Australian slang used as an expression typically in the context of total and utter disregard, disappointment, failure, misery etc.
1. A: "Tried to get my movie on with the missus last night"
B: "Word? What was it?"
A: "Failure to Launch"
B: "Any good?"
A: "It was fucked off for a bad joke, mate. One of those Matthew McConaughey abortions"
B: "I like him. He's cute and coolomoondo"
A: "Yeh i guess - WAIT WHAT?!?!"
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1. The most Australian phrase ever spoken. Believed to have originated by a quintessentially Australian television personality by the name of Ray Meagher who played Alf Stewart on the long-running Australian show "Home and Away"
Me: Oh dude. . foreigners. Let's fuck with em.
Friend: Okay. Hey mate! Throw another shrimp on the barbie!
Me: fuck that off for a bad joke! We're having cattle! Chuck us a stubbie!
Friend: No wuckers mate *walks towards esky and staggers a bit*
*foreigners looking puzzled followed by raucous laughter*
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1. The most Australian phrase ever spoken. Believed to have originated by a quintessentially Australian television personality by the name of Ray Meagher who played Alf Stewart on the long-running Australian show "Home and Away"
A: Oh dude. . foreigners. Let's fuck with em.
B: Okay. Hey mate! Throw another shrimp on the barbie!
A: fuck that off for a bad joke! We're having cattle! Chuck us a stubbie!
B: No wuckers mate *walks towards esky and staggers a bit*
*foreigners looking puzzled followed by raucous laughter by A and B*
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1. Expression used by people as a shortened version of "gimme some love". This is then strictly followed by a motion of one person's hand sprinkling imaginary powder (most likely crack) downwards and the other person's hands sprinkling upwards.
1. Me: "Hell yeah! Herpes are gone, baby! Gimme some"

*sprinkle hand motion*
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