10 definitions by Mildred Kerplucknickshuck

An extinct species of squirrel with green fur.
The sacred animal of Butricktrunglism.
by Mildred Kerplucknickshuck March 28, 2005
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<i>(noun)</> The frenzied state of giddiness often exhibited by those who are obsessed with Orlando Bloom; orgasm brought about by Orlando Bloom.
After seeing Pirates of the Caribbean, I had an Orlandogasm.
by Mildred Kerplucknickshuck November 15, 2004
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A disease that causes plants to grow on one's fingers and toes. Early symptoms include the sudden desire to become a polish woodsman, and sudden loss of speech, the words '"yes" and gravy" being the exception.
A disease that is associated with the religion Butricktunglism.
My former roomate contracted Inner Outer Mist Syndrome.
by Mildred Kerplucknickshuck November 15, 2004
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Short for " There's Rice on my Fry ".
A random exclaimation of disgust, when no other phrase is suitable.
"My life sucks, TRO my F!"
by Mildred Kerplucknickshuck March 28, 2005
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A religion based on the teachings of Lord Butricktrungle. Worship involves the use of ritual human sacrifice, and the writing of haikus.
Butricktrunglists also like warn us of the danger of Inner Outer Mist Syndrome.
My mother recently converted to Butricktrunglism.
by Mildred Kerplucknickshuck November 15, 2004
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An adjective describing something that is very pretty or cute but has no real utilitarian value. Something that is nice to look at but serves no other purpose.
My mom keeps buying me these foo foo ceramic statues to put on my dresser. I really wish she would stop wasting her money on them.
by Mildred Kerplucknickshuck April 12, 2008
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adjective describing a male that you want to have sex with.
Inuyasha and Orlando Bloom are both very scrumpable.
by Mildred Kerplucknickshuck November 15, 2004
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