34 definitions by Johnny Pseudonym

Master of the Pig-skin. Suck on that Peyton.
Dan Marino threw downfield. Pass Complete. Touchdown.
by Johnny Pseudonym January 19, 2005
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The most common display of mental power, it's the excretion of Urine.
Bill used Hydrokenesis to make the toliet seat very icky.
by Johnny Pseudonym January 20, 2005
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Those Christians who broke away from the corrupt Catholic Church of the 16th century so that they could form their own judgmental, jingoistic, and batshit crazy sect of Christianty.
Protestant is the P in WASP.
by Johnny Pseudonym June 11, 2005
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A stress-related defense mechanism. Involves reverting to immature behavior when presented with a stressful situation or hurtful information.
The Europeans were very regressive when they realised that Paris and London had been replaced by New York and Rio de Janiero.
by Johnny Pseudonym January 21, 2005
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Formerly Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, successor of John Paul II. So far he hasn't done much; but that's why he as chosen. The Conclave didn't want another long papacy. (It should be noted that he entered the Hitler youth when membership was complusory. He didn't have a choice in the matter.)
Pope Benedict XVI wears a funny hat.
by Johnny Pseudonym August 2, 2005
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The act of being arraigned and/or detained by a War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague.
The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia Hague'd Milosevic's fat ass.
by Johnny Pseudonym April 21, 2008
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A double-edged sword. No human has the true authority to condemn someone to death, however, The Death Penalty does seem satisfying in some specific cases.
I hated friday nights lights, the director deserves the Death Penalty.
by Johnny Pseudonym January 18, 2005
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