23 definitions by El cholo

The sum of 5 English pounds. A fiver Is
blue In colour hence a bluey.
"Best gimme my goddamn change"
"heres your bluey back you bastad"
by El cholo February 9, 2004
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bunch of phallaic whiteboys expouting
6 year old rhymes over playground beats exploiting pre-penetration Immature silly little girls on paperrounds.
Excrutiatingly embarrassing numbnuts Insulting real street music, hollow psuedo bad byoy hip pop bragging about how dangerous they are,this shit makes Ja rule sound like Busta Rymes. With all the talent of a spunked on tissue-utterly without redemption. Any hysterical bint disagreeing-It Is a democracy granted, but before humiliating yourself further please hear Nas, Roots, Jurassic 5, gangstarr etc etc avoid this colon coil.
"one question blazin squad?
Is there a God?
answer me you f'kin nimrod,
hate these boyband bellends,
what Im planning takes months to mend,
how many? 10?, no problem not with my samuri friend"
by El cholo February 2, 2004
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Regulating body of British law enforcement protecting public Interest overseeing that justice & equity Is adhered to at all times.

In truth? An In house old bastads network comprised of former coppers &
well to do numbnuts. Thier main purpose to lie, cover up deny & conceal the polices many wrongdoings, looking out solely for their own kind.
"Grey, got that letter from theP.C.C"
"Any good?"
"Ive got a steel plate In my jaw,six teeth missing and they say theres no case to answer"
"Bad that Is"
"He fuckin put the 'andcuffs on first then he gives me a shoein In the holdin
cell- that aint restraining someone"
"Dickheads man"
"They got 3 statements sayin exactly the same shit. These f'kin Feds man they ain't accountable to no-one"
"Just cos they got a badge they do as they like "
by El cholo February 9, 2004
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A gentleman usually of West Indian descent expressing disapproval, fustration or just to demean another by Inhaling between his teeth and frontal dentistry- he sucks his teeth so therefore he Is.
ttttttsssssssssssssssss! ghets me.
by El cholo January 15, 2004
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Slang terminology to mean a crackpipe. To Indulge In the Inhaling of the rock, to have a stone dependancy. Stonefiend negro.
That badmans on the can you ghet me?
by El cholo May 27, 2004
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The best commercial bong manufacturer currently supplying In the U.K.
(exhaling plumage all over the room)"I f'kin love my waterfall I do"
by El cholo February 18, 2004
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