36 definitions by BeardedFatass

(n) 1. a happy homosexual
2. a cigarette that prefers its butt to be sucked by a male
Despite his worries about being called redundant, the gay fag smiled as he smoked one of his gay fags.
by BeardedFatass October 2, 2004
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(n) a very lethal expulsion of gas through the anus, characterized by being extremely warm and quiet, and is often used to strip paint

(v) {-ed,-ing} to let a McFart
McDonald's makes me McFart.
by BeardedFatass January 20, 2004
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(n) a hypothetical list of people that no one in a certain group would ever intentionally call
Apparently, I accidentally signed up for the female Do Not Call List years ago, and that's why I have nothing better to do than sit on my ass posting Urban Dictionary entries.
by BeardedFatass May 18, 2004
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(n) 1. the main character in the comic strip of the same name, created by Scott Adams, depicting an empolyee who works in a cubicle for a clueless boss at a large company
2. any real-life office employee who embodies some characteristics of the Dilbert character
3. a loser

See also: Dilbertesque
The young Dilbert tried in vain to sell his boss on the new technology, but his boss told him to shut up and consider himself lucky he even HAS a Coleco.
by BeardedFatass January 9, 2004
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(n) the little crusty bit of mustard that forms at the nozzle of a squeezable mustard container
Before squeezing mustard all over my hot weiner, I picked off the mustard booger.
by BeardedFatass December 16, 2002
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(adj) old, used to ascribe an artificial nostalgic value to crap that nobody would otherwise consider purchasing
The Old Junk Shop almost went out of business until they changed their name to Ye Olde Antique Shoppe.
by BeardedFatass January 8, 2004
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