18 definitions by --a0a--

the place little dick head kids get their toys
toys r us is a bunch of whores
by --a0a-- February 26, 2003
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The state of being enthralled after a couple shots of your favorite alcoholic beverages.
Damn, I am a happy mother.
by --a0a-- February 27, 2003
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A 9-sided polygon. The latin root orginates from the word "nona" which means ninth of the ninth. 9-9 or 1/9. Or just ninth. Read the book Virtual Mode by Piers Anthony for more relative relations on the modes and Julia set.
The nonagon has 20 parallel demensions. One is the Burgess set. I don't know any others. They are intersecting, but still parallel. Just fuck me, my brain hurts.
by --a0a-- February 27, 2003
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the state of being larger, not bigger but larger in a stretched out way. Sort of like a pencil fused into a penis. Which forms PP. So PP is long.
My pee pee is long.
by --a0a-- February 27, 2003
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